Making Sense Collectively, 2022

MSc Aviation:

Making Sense Collectively in Aviation. 

Safety; Safely. 

Forum for validated discussion and critical analysis of Human Factors in Aviation with the view to improve safety and safety culture. 

This forum is a collective to share and discuss scientific research, and articles of safety for immediate review. 

This forum will be edited by Human Factors in Aviation specialists. This forum will enact a no name required for publication policy, to ensure and facilitate a professional open forum discussion.    

 -  Editor. 

Making sense! 

Before we start to analyze an occurrence, it is imperative to understand perspective. Perspective of everyone involved, weighted equally. The investigator must remain unbiased, an empty canvas prepared to accept all views for analysis. We need to understand three critical stages:

1 - what makes sense on a day to day event line to an individual,

2 - what made sense to the individual during an occurrence,

3 - what analysis did the individual conduct post occurrence.

Without making sense of the perspective, we are unable to form a validated and reliable baseline of analysis.  A perception study is critical. No analysis or recommendations is able to take place without it. This also ensures a transparent and accountable investigation or analysis.